Heyo! It's Juliann! I'm starting daily blogging! Well at least trying. It may not work, but I can try!
So today I went to watch Divergent! I've read all three books all ready, and I LOVED THE MOVIE! I'll be doing a seperate blog post on it later today so stay tuned.
It's currently spring break btw, and Gabbi and Erica are in Orlando, Florida! I'm really missing them and they'll be back this coming Wednesday. They are going to Universal Studios so I am really jealous!
Today since we watched Divergent at the mall, I got a pair of yoga shorts for jazz! They are pretty short but cute! They have sky blue lace waistband. It's actually really cute.
Miguel and Daddy have left because they are at Storm Basketball tryouts.
Also on Friday, Hannah and Paris came over. We took tons of selfies and we did Popin' Cookin and Happy Kitchen.
I have a cold, so I had to use this minty nose spray. You basically put it in your nostril then spray it. It feels minty but it really helps.
Today Daddy also got a Roomba thingy. It's a circular vaccum that can vaccum the house itself! It even has this eye thing so that it knows where its going. It came with a charger dock and when it is getting low on battery it goes there by itself. You can set a time so everyday at that time it will vaccum at that time. Even when you are not home it will vaccum. Johnny is quite scared of it.